
Lumbini is a sacred pilgrimage site located in the Rupandehi District of Lumbini Province in southwestern Nepal. It is renowned as the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama, who later became known as Lord Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. Lumbini is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and holds immense religious and historical significance. Here are some key features of Lumbini:

  1. Maya Devi Temple: Maya Devi Temple is the main attraction in Lumbini and is believed to be the exact spot where Queen Maya Devi gave birth to Siddhartha Gautama. The temple houses a marker stone indicating the birthplace and features ancient ruins and artifacts.
  2. Ashoka Pillar: Emperor Ashoka of India, a devout Buddhist, visited Lumbini in the 3rd century BCE and erected a commemorative pillar with an inscription identifying Lumbini as the birthplace of Buddha. The pillar still stands in Lumbini.
  3. Lumbini Garden: The sacred garden around the Maya Devi Temple is beautifully landscaped with ponds, trees, and monastic zones. It is a peaceful and contemplative place where visitors can walk around and reflect.
  4. Puskarni Pond: Adjacent to the Maya Devi Temple, Puskarni Pond is believed to be the sacred pool where Queen Maya Devi bathed before giving birth to Siddhartha Gautama.
  5. Lumbini International Research Institute (LIRI): LIRI is dedicated to the study and research of Buddhism. It houses a vast collection of Buddhist literature, manuscripts, and research materials.
  6. World Peace Pagoda: Various countries have constructed Buddhist monasteries and temples in Lumbini, promoting international harmony and peace. The World Peace Pagoda is a notable example, built by the Japanese Buddhist organization Nipponzan-Myohoji.
  7. Lumbini Crane Sanctuary: Lumbini is also a sanctuary for migratory birds, and efforts have been made to protect the wetland area and the crane population in the region.

Lumbini attracts pilgrims and tourists from around the world who come to pay homage to the birthplace of Buddha and experience the serenity of the surroundings. The site holds cultural, historical, and spiritual significance, making it a key destination for those interested in Buddhism and its origins.



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